We Love Mother Earth!
With International Earth Day just a few days away, we are reflecting on our love for our planet!
As I am sure you can imagine we get pretty excited about toys around here! We get even more excited about toys that are eco-friendly and companies that use sustainable practices.
Some of the brands we carry that have committed to caring for our planet are:
Ravensburger has recently relaunched their packaging to save on cardboard and plastic, while using 70% recycled materials in their puzzles.
Hape uses sustainable materials like bamboo in their toys, and uses soy based ink on their packaging. They are also conscious of their energy consumption in production and shipping.
Living Nature creates all their
plush with post consumer plastic. They are focused on caring for the environment and teaching children about animals and their habitats through play.
Green Toys are all made from
recycled plastic. They also use soy ink on all their packaging and encourage you to recycle the box as it saves a gallon of water per package!
Micro Scooter is a carbon neutral retailer, and if you use a
scooter to get around you cut back on the CO2 emissions which saves trees! They even make scooters out of recycled plastic!
Tiger Tribe cares about a sustainable future for our kiddos. They have removed plastic from their packaging and are increasing their use of sustainable materials in their toys.
Kinderfeets prides themselves on being a sustainable retailer providing their toys in either non-timber bamboo and/or birch wood.
Even Care Bears have come out with an I Care Bear: an eco friendly plush made from 12 recycled plastic bottles per bear. Just look for the green leaf on the bottom of their feet.
As a store we are passionate about how we can REDUCE, REUSE & RECYCLE! We are proud of our recycling practices...doing what we can do lessen our carbon footprint!
Let's get creative with items you can reuse instead of tossing them in the bin. Create a creature, beautiful art, or whatever your imagination can dream up. Send us a picture on Instagram, Facebook or even email us at hello@therockinghorse.ca.